个人简历 (Resume) – 中文(English)

王 鑫

Asst. Prof. Dr.-Ing. Wang Xin

Address: Institute of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, WuHan University, LuoYu Road 129, 430072, Wuhan, China;

武汉大学 信息学部4号楼 324室

Email: xwang@sgg.whu.edu.cn

PS:个人兴趣爱好 架子鼓,有想组乐队的同学欢迎联系,一起ROCK!



  • 本科阶段(Bachelor):2009.09 – 2013.06 武汉大学 (Wuhan Uni.) 测绘学院 (School pf Geodesy and Geomatics) 测绘工程
  • 硕士阶段(Master):2013.09 – 2016.06 武汉大学 (Wuhan Uni.) 测绘学院 (School pf Geodesy and Geomatics) 大地测量与测量工程

2016.05 经武汉大学测绘学院推荐 获得国家留学基金委公派德国名额 (Funded by Chinese Scholarship Council)

  • 博士阶段 (PhD Candidate): 2016.10 – 2021.05 德国汉诺威大学 摄影测量与地理信息研究所 (Institute of Photogrammetry and GeoInformation, Leibniz University Hannover, Germany)
    导师 (Supervisor): Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Christian Heipke (国际摄影测量与遥感协会主席, ISPRS President, 2016-2022).博士课题(PhD Research Topic): Time and Robustness efficient method of image orientation for large scale of ordered and unordered images (Dissertation: https://dgk.badw.de/fileadmin/user_upload/Files/DGK/docs/c-871.pdf). More information can be found at www.ipi.uni-hannover.de/de/wang/, https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Xin-Wang-305

工作 (Working ):

  • 2019.01-2019.03, visiting researcher, Institute of computer graphic and Vision, TU Graz & Vexcel Imaging GmbH(国际最领先摄影测量公司之一,2006年曾被微软收购), 格拉茨 奥地利 访学 (co-supervisor: Dr. Michael Gruber, chief Photogrammetry Scientist)
  • From 2021.10 -,   武汉大学 (Wuhan Uni.) 测绘学院 (School of Geodesy and Geomatics)  摄影测量与遥感研究所 (Institute of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing) 特聘副研究员 (Distinguished Associate Research Fellow).

主要获奖 (Awards):

  • 夏坚白优秀学生奖 二等奖 2013
  • 研究生国家奖学金 2015
  • ASPRS (美国摄影测量与遥感协会) ESRI Awards for Best Scientific Paper in GIS First Place 2020

主要研究方向 (Research Interests):

  • 大集合无序影像(众源影像数据)快速匹配(随机kd森林, 词袋树, 基于深度学习影像相似性计算)Efficient Image Matching for large unorder image dataset (Such as, Crowdsourced Image)
  • 快速且高鲁棒的影像定向算法研究(基于全局定向策略提高时间效率, 相对定向粗差检测以增强鲁棒性)Fast and Robust Image orientation
  • 高性能光束法平差研究(基于GPU技术的大型线性方程系统求解;针对大数据集的分布式光束法平差)Eifficent Bundle Adjustment by integrating GPUs
  • 无人机及近景的实时定位和地图生成(SLAM)方法研究(单目和双目关键算法研究, 多源传感器融合算法)SLAM for UAV and Close-ranging applications

论文 (Publications):

  • Peer-reviewed Journals

Ding J, Zhang J, Zhan Z, Tang X, Wang X. (2022). A Precision efficient method for collapsed building detection in post-earthquake UAV images based on the improved NMS Algorithm and Faster R-CNN. Remote Sensing,14,663. (SCI)

X Wang, T Xiao, Y Kasten. (2021). A Hybrid SfM method for synchronously estimating global rotations and global translations. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote sensing, 174:35-55. (SCI, top, impact factor: 8.979)

T Xiao, X Wang, F Deng, C Heipke. (2021). Sequential Inference in Structure from Motion for the elimination of Relative Orientations Stemming from Repetitive Structure. PFG-Journal of Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Geoinformation Science, 1-17. (SCI)

X Wang, C Heipke. (2020). An improved method of Refining Relative Orientations in Global Structure from Motion with a Focus on Repetitive Structure and Very Short Baselines. Photogrammetric Engineering & Remote Sensing, 85(5):299-315. (SCI)

X Wang, F Rottensteiner, C Heipke. (2019). Structure from Motion for Ordered and Unordered image sets based on random k-d forests and global pose estimation. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote sensing, 147: 19-41. (SCI, top, impact factor: 8.979)

X Wang, F Rottensteiner, C Heipke. (2019). Robust Structure from Motion Based on Relative Rotations and Tie Points. Photogrammetric Engineering & Remote Sensing, 85(196):347-359. (SCI)

Z Zhan, C Wang, X Wang, Y Liu. (2018). Optimization of Incremental Structure from motion combining a random kd forest and pHash for unordered images in a complex scene. Journal of Electronic Imaging, 27(1): 013024. (SCI)

Z Zhan, X Wang, M Wei. (2015). Fast method of constructing image correlations to build a free network based on image multivocabulary trees. Journal of Electronic Imaging, 24(3):00329. (SCI)

  • Peer-reviewed Conference Publications

ZR Xiong, ZQ Zhan, X Wang. (2022). POSITION-SENSITIVE ATTENTION BASED ON FULLY CONVOLUTIONAL NEURAL NETWORKS FOR LAND COVER CLASSIFICATION. ISPRS Ann. Photogramm. Remote Sens. Spatial Inf. Sci., V-3-2022, 281–288.(Oral Presentation)

X. Tang, X. Huang, Z. Xiong, X. Wang*, and Z. Zhan. (2022). AN ADAPTIVE SUPERPIXELS FOR VEGETATION DETECTION ON HIGH RESOLUTION IMAGES BASED ON MLP. Int. Arch. Photogramm. Remote Sens. Spatial Inf. Sci., XLIII-B3-2022, 187–195.(Oral Presentation)

R. Xia, K. Jiang, X. Wang*, and Z. Zhan. (2022). STRUCTURAL LINE FEATURE SELECTION FOR IMPROVING INDOOR VISUAL SLAM. Int. Arch. Photogramm. Remote Sens. Spatial Inf. Sci., XLIII-B4-2022, 327–334.


X Wang, T Xiao, Y Kasten. (2020). A Hybrid global image orientation method for simultaneously estimating global rotations and global translations. ISPRS Ann. Photogram. Remote Sens. Spatial Inf. Sci. V-2-2020, 95-114.

X Wang, T Xiao, M Gruber, C Heipke. (2019). Robustifying relative orientations with respect to repetitive structures and very short baselines for global SfM. In: Proceeding of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Workshops, pp. 2896-2904. Long Beach, CA, USA. (Oral Presentation)

X Wang, F Rottensteiner, C Heipke. (2018). Robust image orientation based on relative rotations and tie Points. ISPRS Ann. Photogram. Remote Sens. Spatial Inf. Sci. IV-2, 295–302. Riva del Garda, Italy. (Oral Presentation)

X Wang, ZQ Zhan, C Heipke. (2017). An efficient method to detect mutual overlap of a large set of unordered images for structure-from-motion. ISPRS Ann. Photogram. Remote Sens. Spatial Inf. Sci. IV-1/W1, 191–198. Hannover, Germany. (Oral Presentation)

  • 发明专利 (Patent)

詹总谦,王鑫. 全景影像拼接及量测系统及方法. 专利号 (Patent Nr.): ZL 2013 1 0145582.8

科研活动 (Scientific Activities):

德国摄影测量、遥感和地理信息学会会员(DGPF member)。 Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, Photogrammetric engineering & Remote Sensing, DPFG Journal, Photogrammetric Record等期刊审稿 (As Reviewers); 与专业领域熟知的多视重建开源库OpenMVS作者合作研发定向与空三接口.